Sunday, June 30, 2024

July challenge


The July Challenge was inspired by these 2 photos.

Put a hole in it!

Make the hole the focus of your layout!

Back in 2004 I had this layout published in Scrapbook Creations. 

You could use the wet and tear technique as well. I've also done it dry, but the cardstock doesn't curl as well.

Our sponsor this month is Artstacks

Our winner for June is Heather

Here's what the Design Team have come up with.







A tunnel card with multiple holes.

                                                                       (still coming)

Friday, May 31, 2024

June Challenge


Our challenge for June is to Use interlocking pieces like a chain or a puzzle.

Hopefully by looking at these examples you get the idea.

We are sponsored this month by Theresa who is donating some goodies.

Our winner for May is Heather Bensley

 Now here's the DT ideas



                                                          DALE is moving house so no example this month.



                                                                     VICTORIA (Our new design team member)


Have a good month.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

May Challenge


Our MAY challenge is Black/ white/ red /gold and something hanging. (Like a charm or bead etc)

Yes, it is a bit more complicated this Month. 

Link up your entries on facebook Archiscraps community group

You could echo the shapes in this picture as well, but you don't have to. I can see a Christmas idea here too. It's never too early to make Christmas cards!

I'm sure this photo was taken in Germany or Austria because I took it! 

Our sponsor this month is Sandra from Scrapbooking Delights

Our winner for April is Debra Beer.

Now here's some ideas from the Design Team


Key is dangling


                                                            Tassel is dangling


                                                      Coin is dangling


                                                               Bells are Dangling


                                               The artist's model is dangling


                                                         Necklace is dangling

             We hope you can join in this month whether it is Christmas or another idea.                                              

Sunday, March 31, 2024

April Challenge


Here is an interesting brick building in Bairnsdale Victoria. It is the court house. 

It inspired us to choose the challenge Use bricks on your layout or card.

It's up to you how you achieve that but here are some ideas. Be creative!








We were overwhelmed with the response to our cat challenge last month. It is fabulous to see so many entries. Feel free to join in again.
Our winner for February is 

Our fabulous sponsor for March is 

So come and join in the fun. Upload your entries here Archiscraps Community Group | Facebook

Thursday, February 29, 2024

MARCH challenge


Here puss, puss, puss.  

As you can see our theme for March is cats. 

We don't mind what kind of cat. It could be a domestic pet or a wild cat.

or even something in the shape of a cat

Submit your cat layout or card or whatever on our facebook group.

Archiscraps Community Group | Facebook

Here's our design team's lovely ideas.






Here's a couple I found online.

This beautiful one is by Jenny Garlick

This one is from Pinterest

Here's your prize for March. A mixed bag of goodies for you to use.

Our winner for February is Sharon. Congratulations.